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郵 箱:glxh09@163.com
Welcome to become membership of Industrial
Boiler Branch Of China Electrical Equipment
Industry Association(CIBB)



凡依法取得工商營業執照和生產許可證,在中國境內從事鍋爐(含部件)制造、鍋爐輔機制造、銷售、安裝、改造等業務的企業(包括中外合資、外商 獨資或外資控股企業)以及與本行業相關的企事業單位、科研院所、大專院校和社會團體等,承認和遵守“中電協”章程和本工作條例,均可申請入會。








會員退會、除名應交回會員證且原交納的會費不退,其在本會的職務、權 力和義務自行終止。





Industrial Boiler Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association Membership Registration Administration
In order to normalize membership registration administration, to promote self-construction and health development, we worked out this Membership Registration Administration pursuant to the Work Ordinance of CIBB and Membership Registration Administration of the CEEIA.
1 Member Qualification
All enterprises(including Sino-foreign joint venture, wholly foreign-owned, foreign-controlled corporations), who have got business license and production license, and who are boiler (including boiler parts) manufacturers,  manufacturers of boiler auxiliary, and boiler related enterprises and public institutions, research institutions, and social organizations in the territory of China, who accepts and will abide by the Articles of Association and the Work Ordinances, and will fulfill member’s obligation, be willing to pay membership dues, could apply for the membership of CIBB.
2 Enrollment Procedure
2.1 Entrusted by the CEEIA, the CIBB only accepts company members. All CIBB members are automatically CEEIA members.
2.2 Applicants should submit “Member Application Form” uniformly printed by CEEIA and relevant and some relevant documents to CIBB, after the application being granted by CIBB secretariat, it will be reported to the Council for approval, meanwhile CIBB secretariat will submit the copy of “Member Application Form” to CEEIA for record.
2.3 Entrusted by CEEIA, CIBB will issue the membership certificate which is printed and numbered by the CEEIA, membership start from the date when the application being granted by CIBB.
3 Membership Administration
3.1 The representative for the member should be the legitimate representative of the company or one of the incumbent chief leaders of the company authorized by the legitimate representative. The legitimate representative should take part in the activities by CIBB and the CEEIA, and should designate a liaison person. The legitimate representative for wholly foreign-owned or foreign-controlled corporations could assign a person, who is well versed in Chinese , to represent him or her to keep contact with CIBB.
3.2 If any member hasn’t pay dues or hasn’t taken part in any CIBB’s activities for consecutive two years, it is regarded that it drops out of CIBB by himself. If any member, seriously violates the Articles of CEEIA or  Work Ordinances of CIBB, CIBB could remove its name from the roll after subjecting to the council approval by voting and approval by CEEIA.
Removal or drop out member should return member’s certificate to CIBB, and all dues paid before are not refunded. All posts the member take in CIBB, their rights and duties are terminated automatically.
4 Miscellaneous
4.1 For any enterprises member in CIBB, if after restructuring, it becomes part of a group company, that does not mean the group company could become CIBB member automatically. Or any enterprises who become parent company of the enterprises member in CIBB, that doesn’t mean the parent company could become CIBB member automatically.  If they are interested in becoming members, they need to apply and go through relevant procedures.
4.2 For alteration of important issues such as legal representative, company name, address, liaisons, contacts or change of property rights, the member should notify the CIBB secretariat in time. And the CIBB secretariat will report to the CEEIA for record.  
The Membership Registration Administration was approved by the first member conference of Sixth Member Congress  on 29th, Oct. 2014.
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